Panchakarma, Ayurveda’s Detoxification Program

Panchakarma is Ayurveda’s Traditional Detoxification Program.

Pancha meaning ‘Five’ and Karma ‘Action,’ these treatments aim to cleanse the whole body from deep seated toxins (ama) to eliminate the root cause of long standing chronic conditions.

During your Ayurvedic Health Consultation the practitioner holds an in depth discussion about your health history including possible aggravating factors, a physical assessment of the pulse and tongue, as well as understanding the state of your digestion. This is a deep dive into what you are currently experiencing and what you wish to achieve with Panchakarma. The identifying factors in this assessment determine your predominant dosha or Prakruti and your current state of imbalance or Vikruti.

Based on the information gathered in your consultation a customized treatment plan is designed to release toxins, improve vitality and bring your Doshas back into balance or Prakruti.

Your tailored Panchakarma Therapy Program will include one or more of the ‘five actions’ and follow the steps below based on your Vikruti or current state of imbalance.

Purva Karma - Pre-Procedure: Deepana / Pachana is the beginning part of every Panchakarma program and typically lasts 3-7 days. The strengthening of your digestive fire (deepana) and metabolizing of extraneous material (pachana) plays a crucial role in preparing your body to undergo deep cleansing. During this part of the process you are advised to practice daily cleansing rituals and follow a light, easily digestible diet.

Pradhana Karma - Main Procedure: This section of the purification program is the most important and will vary based on the findings of your imbalanced dosha(s) in your initial Ayurvedic Consultation. You can expect to spend a minimum of 3-6 days or a maximum of 6-12 days for your specific series of main treatments. Depending on your location and level of comfort you might self administer or come into the clinic for these treatments.

Paschat Karma - Post Procedure: Following each Panchakarma program the body will need Rasayana (rejuvenation). Rasanaya recommendations may come in the form of a specific rebuilding diet, herbal formulas, yoga therapy or a series of oleation treatments at our clinic. The rejuvenation period will be a minimum of 5 days to build precious tissues in the body after your deep cleansing process. Ideally you feel inspired to continue with your newfound healthy diet and lifestyle regime to maintain your wellbeing.

Your deep cleansing program is fully customizable around work and family activities, though during the main cleansing days we typically recommend creating a restful environment with few commitments to focus on the success of your healing journey. Please allow 14 to 21 days for your entire Panchakarma process and plan for up to 4 visits to the clinic.

Base package price includes all necessary ayurvedic medicines and supplies needed for your program as well as 3 treatments in clinic. Price may vary based on the specific Panchakarma treatment series recommended for your condition.

Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old living science that is most similarly described as folk medicine or preventative care. Effects and benefits cannot be guaranteed. Please consult your doctor before changing any diet, exercise and lifestyle habits. Please do not discontinue any medications or recommendations prescribed by your doctor before, during or after this process without first consulting your doctor.

Suggested Panchakarma Treatments for Your Dosha

  • Vata

    Vata (Ether & Air) style imbalances, typically linked to excess dryness in the body and the nervous system, respond well to the Bhasti branch of Panchakarma.

    Bhasti is a process of internal or external oleation of the body where the medicated oils give nourishment to vital tissues and organs.

  • Pitta

    Pitta (Fire & Water) style imbalances, typically related to excess heat in the skin, liver and digestive system, respond well to the Virechana branch of Panchakarma.

    Virechana is a process of purgation through the bowels by the drinking of medicated ghee over a period of time followed by a laxative.

  • Kapha

    Kapha (Earth & Water) style imbalances, typically expressed as excess lethargy, water retention and congestion, respond well to the Nasya branch of Panchakarma.

    Nasya is a series of medicated oil treatments administered through the nose for conditions involving the head and neck.

Schedule Your Ayurvedic Health Consultation to Begin